Youth Empowerment

YES film project designed by youth group of Shilpa Sayura Foundation to create Child Solder 90m film by up-scaling the Child Solder short created for Adobe Aspire Awards 2013 as a collaborative project between Kandy and Lahugala youth who live 250km apart. The project aims to provide a solution to Youth Employment while addressing the issue of social acceptance of child soldiers returning to civil society after rehabilitation. The YES film project plans to setup a youth social media enterprice, provide education, training and employment for youth to produce digital films on social issues and to become new genertion social film makers to make digital revenu and employment. The project hopes to become sustainable by creating revenue from community and business media services and providing media education setting up a mobile film school to reach under-served youth with creative talents to help them develop digital media skills to be employed in creative fields. This project addressing youth issues in education, training, employment and a globally important social issue of child soldiers shall be completed in one year with the guidance of AYV Lead educators and Film Industry professionals. Uniqness of YES Film Project is that it develops youth, produces a tangible social good and address a global issue concerned with global youth to make positive impact in Society.