Start `Integrated` Testing

`Integrated` Testing - The biggest and easiest (testing) bang for your buck!

Sadly, most Developers don’t test their code like they should because testing can be hard, and it time consuming and the customer doesn’t want to pay for it. In this session, I’ll show you how easy testing can be, how quick it can be, and better yet, its FUN!

Integrated is a great tool released by Eric Peterson, inspired by Jeffrey Way’s Integrated for Laravel. Laravel has a lot of amazing tools, and Integrated for CFML is a port of one of them.

Integrated lets you write tests in a user friendly way, allowing you to do something as simple as this for a test, interacting with your entire website, not just a UNIT of code.

- Visit this page
- See if this text is on the page
- Type this into this text field
- Type that into this text field
- Button the form
- Look for an error message on the page.

Learn how this tool can allow you wrap your site in full integration tests in minutes, and give you the jump start you need with your testing, while making it fun.

By creating integration tests, vs unit tests, you don’t have to rewrite all your code into testable units to begin, your code is ready, are you?

- Learn how easy it is to add test coverage today without rewriting all your code
- Automate your app testing without pressing F5 all day long
- Make tests easy for your dev team, and meaningful for your client with meaningful test result pages
- Learn a power Domain Specific Language (DSL) for writing your tests that makes sense to developers, new and experienced
- Have fun writing tests, and sleep better at night knowing you have test coverage in your app.